Our Vision

Ensure a quality, cost effective and safe integrated transport system and services that will provide for the socio-economic development across the country and the different mobility requirements of every individual and corporate citizen of Sri Lanka.

Our Mission

To advise the Government of Sri Lanka on the National Policy relating to passenger transport and to establish the required regulatory framework in order to ensure an efficient bus transportation system which meets the transport needs of the public.


Honourable Minister's Message - Minister of Transport & Highways

Efficient transport is a critical component of economic development globally and nationally.Transport has affected economic development from the beginning of human civilization.Economic development focuses on the confluence of transport systems.Transportation investment link factors of production together in a web of relationship between producers and consumers....

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Secretary's Message - Ministry of Transport Highways


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Chairman's Message - National Transport Commission

Transport Management over the next 10 years appears to be based on the fundamental question on how motorization is to be managed. According to the transport sector statistics public transport passengers are rapidly switched off from the public buses to private modes of transport. This situation is badly affected to Sri Lankan economy in several aspects. Traffic congestion is a crucial issue at the peak hours in most of the cities. On the other hand fuel consumption on road transport is significantly increased last two decades.


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Quick Contact

 Public Complain 1955
 Colombo Private Bus Stand 0112333222
 General Line 0112587372(Hunting)
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